Hello there, I’m Shravya!
I’m a lot of things–grad student, techie, bookworm, adventure seeker, occasional photography enthusiast, habitual couch potato, and a Twitter pro. But mostly, I’m a writer.
I sincerely believe that the world’s best experiences exist not only in living the story but also in telling it. And then re-telling it. This is what makes storytelling fascinating, whether it’s fictional or real. My work in Where Divergents Meet is entirely an attempt at telling short stories in a way that hasn’t been done before. If you are in the mood for a thriller or drama, romance or horror, or even comedy–you can find it all.
Real stories–they are a little more challenging. This is why Through the Wonderwall is special to me. Although at first glance, it doesn’t seem like storytelling, it’s all about giving everyday stories a new perspective. It’s about the beginning. It’s about the end. It’s about everything in between.
While you are here, take a look at my Twitter feed–I think it’s pretty rad.