Strange thing, a memory. It’s like hitting on someone at the bar. The more time you spend on them, the more they inch away from you. Damn, do we all have such remarkably repulsive pickup lines? No? Just me? Okay then.
Point is, I have had my fair share of experiences, and a significant amount of memories. Now, before all you older people here pounce on me, yes, I am a 20-year old who ain’t seen nothing yet. But, that’s the thing about memories. They don’t require a certain level of expertise for you to have them. You don’t need to check off everything on a list to qualify for a position as the memory keeper.
If you have spent a while on this planet, you have started filling your memory jar. If not, hey there! Welcome to planet Earth! You might find strange things, but we can explain all of it. I promise. Except the orange guy who is yet to make anything great again. Also, grab a memory jar!
Now that you have a couple of these jars, allow me to make an observation.
There are the ones you keep in the very front of the shelf. I can see the love you have for them. Well, most of them at least. Some just seem to find their way to the front no matter how much you push them to the back. Gotta appreciate their resilience.
A lot of jars though, are so far back that you don’t even know they exist. Bring the back-shelvers out, dust them off and reminisce for a while. You might discover something you missed at first sight. You might even find the jar you used to carry around all day, now on the edge of being lost.
Then there are the special ones – hidden away in the jars labeled bad, or worse, insignificant. These are your Easter eggs, your drowned treasures. Find them. Cherish them. For in them you will find goodies to fill many more jars. These are the ones that can transform you if you look at them closely enough.
Most of all, treasure the shelf in its entirety. It is the only one of its kind. Your own personal time machine(er, shelf?). And if there was ever a way to measure how far you have come, this is it.
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