Diamonds are forever, and so are friends.
They step in at the most bizarre stop, and travel with you till the end of the line.
These are the people that will tolerate anything you throw at them.
It doesn’t matter if you are complete opposites. After all, you don’t have to be right for each other, you have to be right there.
You just never see when they transition from friend, to family.
That is probably the reason why it tears you into a million pieces when they are gone.
It’s like you are in a beautifully lit room and suddenly the power goes out.
It’s like you are underwater and your oxygen tank runs out.
It’s like you never realize how much you depend on the floor to walk on, until it is pulled from beneath your feet. It just leaves you unbalanced and wondering how on earth that could possibly happen.
If your boyfriend/girlfriend leaves, you turn to your friend.
If your friend leaves, where do you turn?
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