Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick..
I had to make a choice, and I had to make it quick. Time was running out.
I looked around for a sign. Something that would tell me if pulling that trigger was the right thing to do, something that would make this whole thing palatable.
What was the alternative anyway? Should I just sit there and wait for this to pass? The searing pain that shot through my spine said otherwise. The images it brought back were not pleasant. Far from it, in fact. This was not going to end. Unless, I could just find the courage to pull..
“Found the gun, have we?” he was back.
“Please.. Just let me go.”
“Don’t try another stunt with me. You know how it turned out the last time. Or do I need to remind you?”
“I promise I won’t do a thing. Just let me go.”
“Oh, I’ll let you go all right.” I wished I could tear the smirk off his face. “In just a while.”
That was it, it had gone too far. I knew I could put an end to this. I looked at the gun, and then at him. My hand wasn’t trembling anymore.
The barrel felt cold against my forehead. And then it happened.
I listened for the gunshot, but it never came. Instead, I collapsed into complete darkness.
In my bed, I lay wide awake.
The only sound came from the clock.
Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick..
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